Super Gals Staffel 1

In dieser Animeserie geht es um drei Mädchen, die sich für ihre Freundschaft, Liebe, Geld und das Klären von Verbrechen einsetzen. Ran, die Anführerin und Supergal von Shibuya, versuchte ihren Traum zu verwirklichen: die modischste Polizistin werden. Das stellt sich allerdings als unmöglich heraus, da man als Polizist eine Uniform tragen muss. Daher hat sie als 5-Jährige den Traum zur Seite gelegt und sich entschlossen, ein Gal zu werden.. Aber was ist mit Otohata?


Anime Comedy Anime-Slice of Life


2001 - 2002


Keine Angabe


Studio Pierrot


Kobayashi Tsuneo


Kubota Masashi

1 The World's Greatest Gal Go! Go! Ran Kotobuki
2 Phone Tag Gets Chilling! Shibuya is Thrilling! The Great Dragnet
3 A Girl's Feelings Hearts Reeling Red Streak Or Not, Miyu's Taken!
4 Have Got? Have Not? Luck With Guys?
5 Fresh Start? Broken Heart? Is It Over With Aya?!
6 GALS Rule the Pool Too Cool! Junior Detectives!
7 A Black Shadow Creeping Up Behind Her Miyu is a Target!
8 A GAL's Heart A Guilty Heart Miyu's Past Catches Up!
9 Memories Tearful Memories Sayo's Been Kidnapped?
10 Glace Yuya? He's First-Place Nervous! A Rival Appears!
11 Chris-Crossing Shibuya Fun! Fun! It's a Grand Prix
12 A Promise Kept! Bye-bye! Kendo Girl!
13 Super Debutante! Super Goody-Goody Ran Kotobuki!
14 Meet Maki! The Shiny, New First Year GAL!
15 Cold Revenge? It's Burning Hot! Snowboard Battle!
16 Dappled Sunlight Sparkling Away A Romantic Anniversary!
17 Feelings of Love Start Wavering! Aya Confesses?!
18 Odaiba Excitement! Crackling Action! The Great Final Battle!
19 The Sun Sun Sun - Summer Girl!
20 Dreamy-Eyed Mami - Her First Love!
21 It's Certain Victory Go! Go! Sports Fest!
22 High School Culture Fest Para Para Meisho Queen!
23 Tear It Off! Rip, Rip! Teacher's Golden Image!
24 Off To Machida The Monkey Leaves Tatsukichi Gets Dumped?!
25 Yamato Dead Serious Yamato Proposes?!
26 Hard Working Super Cop Ran Kotobuki!
27 Brother Kichi-kichi Naokichi Appears!
28 Yuya Crying Talks About Being A Man
29 Mami-rin Lovey-Dovey Falls For Yuya
30 Bukuro In Circles Mystery of the Extension
31 Welcome Exciting Palm Tree Grand Opening!
32 Ran-pyon Irritated A New Rival?!
33 Kasumi Pissed The Great Plot For Revenge
34 Aya-ppe Teary-Eyed Otahata Syndrome
35 Romantic Forecast Unclear Otahata and then Katase?!
36 Hot Springs Viva Viva The GAL Incident in the Northern Steam Clouds
37 Secret Revealed Mami-rin in Danger!
38 Heart Aching Otahata's Words
39 Christmas Eve Jingle-Jingle Emergency Bell of Love
40 Ran-pyon Dizzy Becomes Sayo?!
41 Shibuya Soldier Mystery Maru-Q Moon
42 Taizo Enthusiastic Police Training Project!
43 Pure Love Nervous Rie's Love Tale
44 Killed In the Line of Duty Weeping Odaiba Shark's Final Day!
45 Signs of Love Various Valentine's Day
46 Clash Slurp Slurp Ramen Battle!
47 Kasumi! Toasty Warm! Her Dream Coat
48 GAL Battle Fierce Mami-rin Finished?!
49 Heartbreak Painful Miyu's Place to Call Home
50 Misgivings of the Heart Stirring Spring Breeze
51 Friendship Smiles ID Tags of the Heart
52 Goodbye Ran-ran The Skies of Shibuya Remain Unchanging